Our Work

Evidence-based interventions to overcome structural racism

Our Work

Authoritative, evidence-based interventions to overcome racial inequality. 

Our work

Proudly independent, for over 50 years Runnymede’s esteemed research, analysis and policy development has provided the evidence to challenge racial injustice.

From broadening the curriculum to  exposing the Windrush scandal, our work is rooted in challenging structural racism and its impact on our communities. Our authoritative research equips decision makers, practitioners and citizens with the knowledge and tools to deliver genuine progress towards racial justice in Britain. 

Recent publications

Policy Development

Creating a crisis: Immigration, racism and the 2024 general election

The mainstreaming of far-right ideas and narratives is predicated on the exclusion of people of colour, and is harming UK democracy


Racial segregation and the asylum system: the case of RAF Wethersfield

People of colour are bearing the brunt of shocking conditions in mass asylum accommodation, which amount to racial segregation.

Criminal Justice

Against Serious Violence Reduction Orders: discriminatory, harmful and counterproductive

As police forces in England and Wales pilot Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVROs), we urge the government to scrap this new discriminatory stop and search power and behavioural order.

Criminal Justice

The racialised harm of police strip searches: a response from the Runnymede Trust to a Home Office consultation

A response from the Runnymede Trust to a Home Office consultation, outlining the racialised harm of police strip searches across England and Wales.

Policy Development

Our priorities for racial justice in Britain

Our 2023 agenda for policy making on racial justice in Britain.


Visualise: race and inclusion in secondary school art education

Visualise examines the current state of race and inclusion in art education in England. We confirm what educators have been saying for years: that art education is at crisis point.


Resources to help equip decision makers, practitioners and citizens with the knowledge and tools they need to deliver genuine progress towards racial justice in Britain.

View our resources

Teaching resources

Designed to support teachers who are seeking to broaden their curriculum.


Exploring why it is important to teach about race, migration and empire in schools, and how we can empower educators to do so.


Explainer videos demystifying racial justice issues across a range of topics.

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