Movement Building

Future Ageing of the Ethnic Minority Population of England and Wales.

Written by:
Nat Lievesley
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Commissioned by The Runnymede Trust and written by the Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA), this report provides a detailed estimate of the ethnic make-up of the older population of England and Wales over the next 40 years.

While the present population of older BME people is relatively small and mainly born overseas, over time it will become much larger, more ethnically diverse and will include more people born in the UK.

Strikingly, the report found that while there were only 230,000 BME people over 65 in 2001, this may rise to 840,000 in 2026 and 2.7 million in 2051. This changing population will have implications for public service planners at a local and national level as well as financial institutions.

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