The latest content on all matters regarding race


The latest content on all matters regarding race

The race matters blog

The latest content on all matters concerning race

Welcome to our blog, Race Matters, where you can read the latest content on all matters to do with race.

Race Matters aims to bring new perspectives to matters of racial (in)justice, including topics which people may not associate with race. We encourage blogs that shed new light on an issue and are backed up by evidence. We value personal stories that illustrate impact and give perspective.

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Race relations and the Immigration Bill

Lester Holloway
April 2, 2014

Why we shouldn't blindly defend Gender Segregation

Khadijah Elshayyal
March 2, 2014

Challenging Whiteness

Sondhya Gupta
January 31, 2014

Why we Chose Race Card

Rob Berkeley
January 30, 2014

Talking about Race

Karim Murji
January 21, 2014

Slavery and Me

Roger Griffith
February 17, 2014

Is Islam more British than the EDL? (Podcast)

January 17, 2014

Does Talking About Race Fuel Racism? (Video)

January 16, 2014

Zwarte Piet Parade (Gallery)

January 15, 2014

'Hello, Jav, Got a New Motor?': Cars, (De)Racialization and Muslim Identity

Yunis Alam
January 15, 2014

Ethnic unemployment in Britain (1972-2012)

Yaojun Li
January 15, 2014

The Dangers of Stop and Search

Lester Holloway
January 14, 2014


The World Wars forgotten Black Fighters

Marc Wadsworth discusses the inspiration behind his documentary film, 'Divided by race, united in war and peace' where he looks at the untold stories of Black west Indian soldiers.

Marc Wadsworth
January 13, 2014
4 minutes


What's in a Name?

Dr Emily Wykes explores how our names profoundly affect both our life chances.

Emily Wykes
January 13, 2014
3 minutes


Dissecting Intersectionality

Bisi Alimi looks at the intersection of race and what it means to be both Black and gay.

Bisi Alimi
October 1, 2014
2 minutes

Criminal Justice

Organising resistance to racialized police violence

Find out how we can organise against racialised police violence.

Kojo Kyerewaa
October 1, 2014
3 minutes


Britain's Invisible Elections

Monique Lane is exploring the risk of growing political apathy in Britain and just how large a role it plays in our elections.

Monique Lane
October 1, 2014
2 minutes
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Why not write for Britain's number one race equality think tank? We are always interested in receiving pitches from both new and established writers and multimedia creators, on all matters to do with race.

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